Author: Michael Ten
Support radical life extension research, perhaps. Radical life extension technology would be quite good it seems. Radical life extension could potentially enable humans to live indefinitely. This would be …
Elon Musk should overcome his pro-aging mindset and help to hasten the defeat of aging. Here are some reasons why. Aging is a primary risk factor for numerous diseases: …
Advancements in computational biology are opening new frontiers in our understanding of the aging process and the possibility of extending the healthy human lifespan. By harnessing the power of …
Lawmakers should help humanity to achieve longevity escape velocity by helping to fund related biomedical gerontological research. Law makers are supposed to represent their constituents. If enough Americans want …
Aging should be defeated. We should attempt to help millions of humans/people to overcome pro-aging mindsets. Please use Twitter and social media apps/sites to ask your favorite politicians/influencers/celebrities to …
Aging is our worst humanitarian crisis. We must defeat aging. How will you help to hasten the defeat of aging? Creatively Help Humanity to Achieve Longevity Escape Velocity Check out …
Greetings. Vitalik links to Fable of the Dragon Tyrant directly in his Twitter profile it seems. Awesome! that fable has a moral that can relate to aging/healthspan potentially. …
Realize that aging should be defeated. Aging kills about 100,000 humans each 24 hours. Aging is our worst humanitarian crisis. Read the book Ending Aging by Aubrey de Grey. …
Longevity escape velocity is a theoretical scientific achievement; longevity escape velocity is the point at which the average human lifespan is being increased at a rate of at least …
Medical technologies related to defeating aging will be good. They will be a manifestation of technology. Read the book Ending Aging by Aubrey de Grey. We must defeat aging. …